“Well-timed coaching for a team is like preventative maintenance for an automobile. We often forget to do it, but it can prevent future breakdowns and costly repairs.”
-J. Richard Hackman
Our coaching support can help you sustain team performance by:
- Generating an appreciative team mindset that underpins recognition and development of untapped potential.
- Building observation and feedback skills so team members can notice, and draw productive attention to, potentially limiting mindsets and practices.
- Targeting specific team needs with individual and/or team coaching from a skilled, external coach.
Team members embedded in an established culture can become blind to the unspoken norms dictating ‘how we do things around here’. Coaching can help teams break free from the status quo by illuminating personal and cultural blind spots, and by engaging untapped potential.
Some of our featured Coaching services include:
- Individual executive and personal development coaching.
- Team coaching focusing on alignment and team coherence.
- Building an internal learning process based on a coaching approach.